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Company profile

SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD.was established in 2009 and is aiming to assist customers outside of China to source products from China and to supply products from China to customers outside of China.

SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. is formed by a group of engineers who are familiar with both application enviro- nment and manufacturing technology for the products. SOURCING SERVICES deliver value to customers by putting our professional knowledge into supply-chain. SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. delivers values to customers by minimizing purchasing risks from international manufacturers and maximizing potential cost savings, and ther-efore, improving market competitive edge of their final products.

SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. has core competitiveness on it's people. SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. believes professional makes things easy. Team leaders in SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. have engineering background and are more than 15 years experience on cross-functional position. Their expertise covers project management, international trading, QA/QC system, procurement, strategic sourcing, and more important, are reputable in the industry. SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. believes focusing and experiences make things best and therefore, various teams are focusing on different products and scope of works. SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. believes that global view leads to easy communication and therefore to the final success. Team leaders in SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. have experience in working in multi-national companies in a multi-cultural environment. Our people make SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. different in the industry.

SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. establishes service network globally and offer our services through the network. SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. has established network covering Chile, South Africa, Australia, and Canada. The principle is not only to supply the products but also to commit services.

SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. has a business mainly in mining and cement industry. The products range covers regular consumables, capital equi-pments, and EP services. The products have been using in copper mine, iron mine, platinum mine, gold mine, nickel mine, coal mine and zinc mine.

SOURCING SERVICES CO.,LTD. is willing to work with customers from different industries and anywhere in the world. You are welcome to contact us for your interest.